Researching Historically Inscribed Firearms
Retracing Their Steps....
A Guide for Researching Inscribed Civil War Firearms
by Tom LoPiano Jr. (December,1980 Man at Arms)
as one of the most colorful
and romantic periods in our country's history. It was, in a sense, a "people's
war", not fought by highly trained, professional armies, but a war in
which whole populations were thrown into a life and death struggle to
preserve personal and family ideals and ways of lives. Throughout the
war, the tide of battle frequently hinged not so much on the superiority
of modern technology in weaponry or on great military tacticians, but
on the "fighting spirit" of the individuals involved.
In the beginning, both the armies of
the North and the South, for the most part, were forced to use obsolete,
single-shot pistols and long arms that had stood for years, collecting
dust in federal and state arsenals. Old regular army officers serving
on ordnance boards, especially in Washington, DC, felt no need to keep
up with new technology in peacetime; so they kept the arsenals filled
with weapons more suitable for the parade ground than the battlefield.
The South was faced with the bigger problem of obtaining any weapons at
all, obsolete or otherwise.
Yet, as the war evolved into a large-scale
conflict, these "armchair generals," finally forced to come to terms with
technology, began to contract private armorers, who had been rejected
in the past, to supply more modern rifled long arms for the enlisted man.
As the need for more firepower as well as more weapons grew, new entrants
to the field of firearms,manufacturers of breech loading weapons and multiple-shot
firearms, began to gain acceptance where they had not done well in the
past. State governments began ordering large numbers of arms to outfit
their own troops, and private individuals, especially officers and members
of cavalry and artillery units, turned to use of the revolver as a personal
Well-known private firms, primarily Colt's
Patent Firearms Manufacturing Co., E. Remington & sons, Smith &
Wesson, and others, who were established before the war, reached new heights
in their arms production of revolvers as the need for sidearms for officers
grew in proportion to the need for long arms for enlisted men. This increased
productivity was one reason why collectors today find a relatively large
number of inscribed revolvers (as well as some long arms and numerous
edged weapons).
Why are many of the weapons that are
found in circulation today inscribed with names? Well, in those turbulent
times, many people realized that a soldier's weapon would soon become
his most valuable possession. What better gift could a family or friend
give to a loved one departing for the front than a handsome revolver inscribed
with that soldier's name and the name of his friends to serve as a fond
remembrance of home.
Why do collectors find inscribed weapons
desirable? For one reason, there is a certain romantic feeling associated
with the linking of a name on a weapon, which otherwise might be forgotten
in time, to an event in history, especially if that event was important,
colorful and interesting. There is also a certain satisfaction gained
with this association. Many a collector who has held an old gun in his
own hands has often heard words like these --- "Why, if that old gun could
only speak!". Well, for the person who is willing to spend a little time
in research, he could make that old gun or sword "speak" again by retracing
the steps the soldier took in history, bearing witness to the events that
actually occurred over 130 years ago. In that sense, the weapon becomes
a permanent memento of days gone by when an individual made his or her
mark in time.
Classifying Historical Arms
J. Garnand Hamilton, in a series of articles
entitled "Colts-History and Heroes" (
The Gun Report
, April-December, 1963)
classified three major types of "historically related" arms. The
first type, classified as "Presentation" pistols, are those guns... "Presented
to a certain individual by another person or groups of persons and should
contain the words "Presented to"
or words of similar meaning in the inscription. Type II inscribed pistols
are those bearing inscriptions which associate them to a person, groups
of persons, a military event, a particular event, etc. which do not include the words
"Presented to"
as in Type I. Finally Type III covers pistols that are associated
with history by some form of written evidence and are not inscribed. Since
type III places the most important evidence on documentation rather than
the gun itself, we will concentrate only on actual "inscribed" weapons.
Within the first two groups there are
many kinds of inscribed weapons that we can classify. The most important
group of specimens comes from the most prolific arms maker of the Civil
War period, Samuel Colt. Just as models of his arms are the most sought
after by the gun collecting fraternity, the best examples of presentation
inscribed arms are to be found among weapons of his manufacture.
Type I - Presentation Inscribed Weapons
The "top of the line" items in desirability
of inscribed arms are those revolvers that Samuel Colt personally presented
as gifts to notable individuals. These arms are sometimes found to be
most elaborately engraved by one of Colt's many expert craftsmen and fitted
with ivory or other fine grips, plated in gold or silver, and especially
"casehardened" when the guns were finished. They were engraved at the
factory and inscribed "Compliments
of Col.Colt", or "
To (the recipient)
from Col. Colt", or
"From the Inventor "
, or "From the Inventor Col. Colt".
There are some revolvers in the group
which Colt presented that are blued and carried a back strap inscription
previously mentioned, but are not engraved. "Colt felt that many of the
recipients of his revolvers would use them in the field if they were simple.
On the other hand, elaborately engraved guns with carved ivory stocks
might be left home on the mantle as a showpiece" <1>. Yet, with
either type of finish, these special presentation revolvers were invariably
outfitted in fine cases with all accessories. Some of these revolvers
were presented in matched pairs.
A second classification within this group
is a type of presentation Colt presented "from the factory". There are
a few suppositions as to why the Colt factory presented arms that were
engraved "To
(the recipient)
with the compliments of Colt's Pt.F.A.Mfg.Co."
The first theory is that Colt did not know the individual
involved, but wished the gift of a revolver to be presented to the person.
Secondly, Colt was a master salesman, and he believed in "influencing"
with a gift any person who might become a staunch supporter of Colt's after
they had an opportunity to use his revolvers. These individuals included
government officials, politicians, military men,newspapermen, and foreign
dignitaries. As a result, Colt wished to avoid any speculation of wrongdoing
or unduly harsh criticism by presenting the revolvers "from the factory" or "From Col.
Colt's Workmen", or "from the employees of Colt's Pt.F.A.Mfg.Co." instead
of himself. Finally, after Colt's death in 1862, presentations were still
made in his name, and in the majority of the cases, the "factory" presentation
inscription was used.
At the time of publication of this article there was not enough evidence
nor examples to warrant mention of another sub-type of presentation which
fell into the area of "personal" Colt presentations. In many cases of
personal Colt presentations, the presentations were made to personal friends
of the Colonel himself or individuals who were present or may have been
future "business" partners or relations with Colt. To avoid any conflict
of interest or speculation thereof, Colt had the presentation inscription
executed at the factory (and this factory engraving style or script is
most recognizable) but likewise did not mention his name or company. These
examples were given predominantly to individuals in the city of Hartford,
in Connecticut and the Northeast (NYC-where Colt maintained an office)
and Massachusetts (where friends and relatives lived). Such specific examples
were noted such as "Presented to D.H.Pond
from his friends in Hartford", or
"Presented to E.K. Fox by the Seymour Light Artillery"
(Ct.Governor Thomas Seymour's Militia (and personal friend of Colt).
These classes of Colt presentation revolvers
invariably bring the highest prices on the market today for inscribed
firearms for two reasons. They were the finest quality pieces produced
and the recipients were usually famous or well-known people.
Other types of "Presentation-Inscribed
"firearms from other manufacturers are also found in lesser numbers. Some
of these were purchased from the individual arms makers and engraved and
inscribed outside of the factory by private, well-known engravers, such
as L.D. Nimschke, for later presentation to individuals of note. (Fig.3).
These specialty presentations also rank high as far as value is concerned.
It was a very common practice for a member
of one family --- a father, brother,etc., to present another family member
with a special gift as he left for military duty. Presentations were also
made by a special friend or friends of the recipient, or by fellow workers
at a place of business (Fig.4) or a plant when a man left for military
service. It was an accepted practice also for a company or regiment to
present its commander with a gun (or sword) upon his election to or promotion
from command of that unit to another, and these are very desirable collectors'
items because they were most often carried and used by the recipient.
Another group of presentation inscriptions are those cases when a presentation
was made by a fellow member of a lodge, or fraternal order or when the
donor is not mentioned but the words "presented to" are inscribed. A last
type in this classifications occurs in the rare case where the commanding
officer presented a weapon to someone, probably a member of his staff.
This is also a very desirable type.
Type II - Inscribed Arms
The second major classification of inscribed
arms is the type which is most often encountered by collectors today -those
weapons which have a name inscribed on them, but carry no mention of a
donor or "presented to" inscribed on the piece (Fig.5). Since many soldiers
wanted to add a personal touch to their own revolver, they had a local
engraver or hometown jeweler inscribe their name, and sometimes their
regiment on the revolver. This may have been done at the time the soldier
received or purchased the arm, or it may have been inscribed at the start
(of his term of service) on a weapon he owned for some time prior to the
start of the war. These firearms may be just as valuable a "presentation-inscribed
" arms and may have been presentation pieces themselves, but greater care
in research is needed to substantiate and document these pieces....depending
however, on the extent of information given in the inscription.
The last group of inscribed revolvers are those which
were not professionally inscribed, but usually done by the owner
himself... either crudely carved into wooden grips, scratched or etched
into the metal with a knife or other sharp instrument. True, these weapons
may be more interesting than plain, uninscribed specimens, but they are
much harder to substantiate as being original, and unless they are very
nicely done, are not very aesthetically pleasing as collector's items
There are many factors that a collector should be aware
of when he or she determines that an inscribed arm is "potentially" desirable
enough to purchase. These elements, in order of importance, are: Identification,
Authenticity, Historical Significance, Rarity and Condition.
To determine whether or not a specimen has research potential,
we must first examine the inscription itself in relationship to the source
from which it originated. Take, for example, the inscription on the Smith
& Wesson No.2 Army revolver (Fig.7), which reads, "Lt.E.P. Quinn 123rd
N.Y.S.V.". Without doing any research, it would be a pretty fair guess
that the regiment the soldier belonged to was the 123rd New York State
Volunteers, and there was probably not more than one "E.P.Quinn" in that
regiment. Therefore, the revolver would be quite easy to research. But
take another gun which is simply inscribed "E. Brown" or "J. Smith". Without
any other identifying markings, like a regimental number, date, full name,
etc., we could probably come up with at least a dozen "J. Smiths" or "E.
Browns" in as many states with the same first initial and last name. Therefore
we must look to the source from which the revolver was obtained to see
if any other documentation can be produced to support the claim that this
was a particular "E.Brown" who fought in a specific regiment. Were we
to spot the "E. Brown" gun on a dealers list or at a gun show and we were
not able to obtain any documentation from that dealer or seller as to
where it had originated, we cannot hope to prove that weapon to be authentic
(as far as the identity of the recipient), and have no right to attach
any history to it via research. But in the case of the "Lt.E.P. Quinn
-123rd N.Y.S.V." revolver, we have only to determine whether or not the
inscription itself is authentic.
In most cases, spurious inscriptions are usually applied
to weapons that are either relatively "more rare" or in finer condition
than the average weapon. They usually usually have "fantastic" histories
associated with them. Beware of these seemingly valuable weapons usually
sold at bargain prices! Be wary of any documented piece, no matter what
the condition.
Since 1980 (when this article was written) even the most common
models of revolvers and swords have risen dramatically in value. Therefore,
in the past where it might have been unwise and unprofitable for would
be fakers to falsify inscriptions on collectibles, it is now worth the
potential effort to falsely engrave a name on a weapon when the return
is well worth the effort. So "Caveat Emptor"!
(Let the buyer Beware)!>
Without documentation one must rely on his instincts,
judging whether or not the engraving is original to the gun. Does the
wear on the gun match the wear on the inscription? Is the style of engraving
contemporary to the time period? Does the date in the inscription or the
rank of the officer or any information present coincide with the relative
time period of manufacture of the gun? An advanced knowledge of collecting
guns is needed to answer these questions, and there are very few experts
around who are knowledgeable in all aspects of collecting. So mistakes
can easily be made. Buy only from reputable dealers. If you are able to
acquire a piece directly from family descendants, make sure you have some
documentation to back it up. Never take a chance on buying an inscribed
gun before you do at least a cursory amount of research. This may mean
you sometimes have to travel with a small "library" of soldier's "records"
in your car to a gun show or to someone's home, but it may be worth it
in the long run. This is where a well-stocked library comes in handy --
to uncover potentially rewarding histories or military records behind
the inscription, and in some cases, it allows a collector to possibly
"beat another collector to the punch" in obtaining a weapon for his collection.
Once we identify the weapon as having belonged to an
individual who left a definite mark in history --- either famous , infamous
or of little note, we can try to place a value on that weapon and assess
whether it is worth the price that the seller has asked for it. Of course,
condition also places a part in this determination, but the criteria which
constitutes value in an inscribed piece is different than that in a piece
which is not inscribed. One must remember that the majority of inscribed
weapons encountered were used by the individuals who owned them in the
service -- and a condition consistent with the history of the weapon lends
a certain amount of credibility, authenticism and romance to that piece.
Rarity also influences value in that an inscribed weapon which would be
a scarce collector's item even without an inscription on it, would certainly
command more in financial terms than a more common collector's piece with
the same inscription.
How do we sift through the millions upon millions of
pieces of written material pertaining to the Civil War period to help
us completely "relive" the career of an individual whose name is inscribed
on the weapon we now own? It is extremely important to have a few sources
handy in your own library for quick access to information should that
occasion arise when you have only a few minutes or a few hours to decide
on taking a piece.
Dr. Bertram H. Groene of Southeastern Louisiana University
wrote what is probably the most complete "guide" to research of inscribed
Civil War items in his book, Tracing Your Civil War Ancestor (Winston
Salem, John F. Blair, 1973). With this books and a few other essential
works, one can go along way towards "opening the door and unlocking the
past". Probably the two most heavily used sources of information in my
library are The Historical Register and Dictionary of The United States
Army,1789-1903 by Francis Heitman, and the Official Army Register
of the United States Army 1861-65. The 2-volume Heitman record concentrates
primarily on those "regular" army officers who served in the U.S. Army,
but also covers volunteer officers briefly as well as officers serving
in the Confederate Army during the Civil War. The 8-part Official Army
Register, however, printed by the Adjutant General's Office in Washington,
DC, catalogs "all" volunteer officers "by state" and "regimental designation".
Both works are important and compliment each other. In fact, there may
be a case where an officer who served in the U.S. Army before the war
resigned his commission to join the Confederate Army. Or there are some
officers who served both in the regular army before the war, returned
to civilian life, then reenlisted in the volunteer forces during the conflict.
Obtaining information regarding both of these situations may reveal an
important "other" career of a soldier whose name on a weapon does not
hint at these clues. The Heitman work was reprinted in 1965 and is obtainable
on old and used book dealer's lists, while the other source, printed in
1865, can only be obtained in its original form, and is a collector's
item in itself.
Since the original publication of this article the Official Army
Register has been published and is quite easily obtainable while other
sources of information are also available which can assist the collector
as well which heretofore only existed in their original form.>
Once identification is made there are many other avenues
of research that the collector can take to "complete" the history of the
weapon. There are no more complete records existing anywhere than the
National Archives in Washington, DC. Here, thousands of personnel records
are available for research for those who wish to visit. Or, for a small
cost, they are accessible by mail by filling out a form, NATF Form 80
(To request form, send request to Textual Reference Branch (NNR1),
National Archives and Records Administration, 7th & Pennsylvania Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20408). This form, when filled out correctly with
a minimum of information, can provide the collector with military service
records of Union and Confederate enlisted men and officers of the army
and navy, as well as pension records, and in some cases, court-martial,
medical, draft, burial and prisoner of war records. Pension records are
especially invaluable in some cases because they give information as to
all military organizations to which a particular soldier belonged. The
files are set up by units, and sometimes a request for information on
"E.P. Quinn, 123rd NYSV" will result in information only on the time period
that he served with that unit. He may have reenlisted however, or been
promoted to command in another unit. So it would do one well to request
all files for a soldier. If one suspects that the officer served in the
regular army, before, during, or after the war, a letter to the National
Archives, Old Army Branch, Washington, DC 20408, may be beneficial in
locating additional records. In addition, a request to the Still Picture
Branch, Audiovisual Archives Division (same address) may uncover a copy
of an original photograph taken of an officer (usually higher ranking
regular army officers only).
Aside from the National Archives. most states hold individual
rosters listing all volunteer soldiers that served in the Civil war from
that state. These lists can sometimes provide needed information as to
birth and death records of an individual. Some states have extensive facilities
with large staffs eager to answer the written requests of an individual,
while others cater only to those people who actually come to visit their
Once identification of an individual is made and service
records are obtained, the collector may have the good fortune to supplement
the more mundane, statistical records that the National Archives supplies
with other information which would be equally as important and much more
interesting. There is an infinite amount of information available, both
official and unofficial, that is not found in the personnel files at the
National Archives. The monumental work, the 128 part, Official Records
of the Union and Confederate Armies in the war of the Rebellion (the ORs
for short), and the 31-volume companion on the Union and Confederate navies,
are the greatest sources of precise and detailed battle reports and military
correspondence ever assembled. As far as individual military units are
concerned, one can find many first-hand, vivid, and compelling stories
of soldier's experiences in the hundreds of individual regimental histories
published privately and by states after the Civil War. In addition, privately
printed personal narratives, diaries, and papers were published after
the war are are continually being discovered right up to the present day.
An inscribed weapon with a fine history associated with
it will bring a considerable premium to the seller as opposed to the same
model gun that was not inscribed. The recipient of this revolver may have
had a distinguished service record in the army or navy, was promoted to
a high rank, or perhaps killed or wounded while bravely leading a charge
in battle. On the other hand, he may have been a coward and deserted from
the army. Or he may have enlisted for volunteer service for a 30 or 90-day
hitch, served time on a campground a thousand miles away from any military
action, and gone home upon expiration of military service, never to go
near the army again.
Depending on the extent of "history" attributed to the
weapon, the monetary value of the piece can fluctuate from as little as
2o-30% to as much as 100% and more of its value had it not carried any
inscription. One thing is for sure, however. Undocumented, and unresearched
specimens do not warrant exorbitant prices solely on evidence of an inscription
on a gun!
Condition is not the all-determining factor as far as
inscribed weapons are concerned, but it counts nonetheless. An inscribed
gun with 75% of its original finish may be worth considerably more than
the same inscribed piece with no finish at all. Finally, the documentation
on the piece is critical. The more documentation that goes with the piece
- the better. Personal affidavits signed by descendants of the recipient
of the sword or gun, other family members, etc. will only served to "authenticate"
the piece when it comes time to resell the collectible. Civil War discharge
papers, enlistment papers belonging to the individual whose inscribed
gun you now own - photographs, diaries, personal letters, all help to
enhance an already "identified" revolver with an established history.
Civil War research can be not only a rewarding experience,
both historically and financially, but also a very enjoyable project for
those who are interested in the study of arms and the history of the Civil
war. Combining both interests, one can preserve the memory of a soldier
who fought for his country long ago through the preservation of the weapon
that carried his name.
1Arnold Chernoff, "Presentation Colts", Shooting
Times, Nov.,1972), pg. 58
Arnold Marcus Chernoff, "Presentation Colts-The Top
of the Line", Shooting Times (Nov.,1972).
Charles Dornbusch, The Military Bibliography of the
Civil War, New York:The NY Public Library, 1961.
Bertram Groene, Tracing Your Civil War Ancestor,
(Winston-Salem:John F. Blair, 1973).
J. Garnand Hamilton, "Colts-History and Heroes "(8
parts), The Gun Report (Apr.-Dec.1963).
Francis B. Heitman, The Official Register and Dictionary
of the United States Army:1789-1903, 2 vols. Washington DC,US Govt,Printing
Office.,1903(Reprinted in 1965 by the Univ.of Ill. Press, Urbana).
Maine and Illinois Commanderies of the Military Order
of the Loyal legion of the United States (MOLLUS), 1891 and 1895.
Official Army Register of the Volunteer Force of the
US Army for the Years 1861,1862,1863,1864,1865, (8 parts) Washington,
Adj.Gens.Office, 1865.
Official records of the Union and Confederate Armies
in the war of the Rebellion, 128 volumes, Washington, DC, US Govt.
Printing Office, 1880-1900.
Official records of the Union and Confederate
Navies, 31 volumes, Washington, DC, US Govt. Printing Office, 1880-1900.
Final Note:
Since this article was printed more than 17 years ago the interest in
"historical" arms has risen dramatically. This demand has resulted in
more "original" resources being published in print and on electonic media
- all which has increased the potential for researchers to illuminate
the histories behind the inscriptions.
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